Thursday - played table tennis with jeanette during PE. Boy, I miss playing it so much! First half was spent on captain's ball with the rest of the 4L girls and we went up to the tabletennis room after that.
Playing table tennis the traditional/normal way ain't fun okay, and anybody who have played with me in the past should know :D Just a few amateurs trying to make the game fun, we're amateurs WHAT. hahaha (though its fun on its own anyway hahah)
1) play from one table to the next, so if you drop the ball on the floor, just continue hitting even if it were to land on another table/hits the ceiling/the floor again.
2) count the number of times both of you can hit continuously without dropping the ball. Set an aim before that to make the game more challenging
3) Name a person on each hit. (eg. just a name in alphabetical order, any person from a given cca, scandals HAHAHA)
4) perspire like mad :D
Right, that was thursday.
Friday -
Terie's dad's van broke down so we had to walk up to school O: The last time I ever walked to school was probably..the last day of choir practice -.- Wouldn't mind walking up like that everyday IF perspiring doesn't occur. Anyway, we reached school quite on time so that's that.
Not to mention that the pet bottle's tip came off and the hamster's cage was drowned in water. No, make that vitamin fortified water. (fortified reminded me of homec HAHA).
ah yes, answering that question is that simple: Ashley and kaiying are helping me bring it to the vet. Well, I still let my mom know about it and she started grumbling, but not so much cause I said "my friends can't stand the fact that its not being treated at the vet". LOL.
During assembly, almost a quarter of AHS' male population had to sit in rows at the side of the parade square cause their hairstyle wasn't acceptable -.- Abit too...kua zhang if you asked me. What's the point of pulling so many people up? For fun lor.
Little hammie got lots of attention o_O. First, germaine put it in her cupped hands and brought it up and down with some "guchi woochi woo" sound, then she put her whole head INTO the plastic bag it was in (cause I was waiting to clean the WET cage) and went goochiwoochiwoo again. Afterwhich it got passed around.
If you want girls to go "OMG SO CUTEEEE!"...
..bring a hamster to school. K la, i'd do that if i were them too LOL. anyway yah, it was injured and received lots of loveee from everybody HAHA. Ngik and jeanette kept arguing about who the hamster liked more. ME LA hahaha.
Oh, it has a new name. CREAMPUFF! :D (leonayeo's contribution :D)
The emaths mock test afterschool was fine IMO. except for the radian question which i left completely blank. I friggin forgot a radian was how many degrees -.- omg frickin hell. nevermind, an improvement sounds fine enough for me. I didn't do a few parts of the graph questions too.
My mom called after the test to tell me she's already at ICA. Yup, I'm a clever girl, I lost my IC two months ago and just decided to make it -__-
Dammit the place closes at 430 and I was still in school at 3:55.
SO LETS THANK ANNIA FOR HELPING ME REACH ON TIME. Dearest one RAN DOWN THE HILL WITH ME, yes WITH ME. thanks again really, how many friends are willing to run down the hill with you when you're gonna be late for something? Annia :D are your muscles aching like hell now haha?
Yup, so the IC was done in a jiffy since I was the last one in the queue HAHA. reached there ON THE DOT. 430 ^_^. Stuffed some Mr bean pineapple thingum, an icecream and some leftover FAN CHOI from 1st recess into my stomach. o_O Was starving, y'know?
Kaiying, siyun and Ashley smsed to tell me they were done and that they were waiting at KFC. Took me half and hour or so, sorry guys D: Now, guess what.
"Bad news is..the doctor can't perform an operation on him"
"Good news doesn't need one"
K I FELT VERY LAME THEN. because it wasn't bleeding in the eyes. hamsters have RED tears. Hey, don't blame me for that k, if you see red stuff near its eyes you'd have thought it was blood too, RIGHT, RIGHT?
AND, its leg wasn't broken (though I swear the condition was much worse 4 days earlier), it was probably twisted and HAH WTH WHAT THE HELL. so why on earth was it dangling the other day? i don't know -.- I VERY LAME LEH.
The only medicine the doctor prescribed was for its wound on its body:
btw, they told the vet it was called "hamster" cause I haven't named it yet LOL. so, THANKS again for helping me bring it to the vet. It urined on siyun, i heard.
They made me treat them to cheesefries and I became broke after that. K, they asked me to so I said yes and they got shocked and gladly accepted the offer. HAHA I DON'T OWE YOU GUYS ICE CREAM ANYMORE RIGHT ^_^
We sat there for quite some time. people rant to friends i rant on blog lor ):, and I can't blog everything out so some facts still get hidden, anyway. (and no, emo songs are so not my source of emo -.-) . but nonetheless I'll still try to emo less hahha.
hahahah our butts were stuck onto the seats. Roamed around TM for awhile and since I had no activity whatsoever at night, I went home.
Sad case for me, got nothing done. TYVM hahah. and fell asleep at....idk what time, quite early.
OHBTW, FRIDAY WAS THE VOTING FOR PROM KING AND QUEEN FOR EACH CLASS :D each person is entitled to 4 votes - two guys two girls. Not tellin' ya my vote ;D
woke up with a delicious breakfast set ^_^
and went to study. Blew 2(1.950) + (5.35) + (0.9) on two black pens, a new pencil and a highlighter.
HEY, the pencil is cool k, the black one
(though I'd say my metal one is damn cool too ^_^)
k then, GOGOGO!!!
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